Monday, October 28, 2013

Albertson's VS Police hurts seniors?

Farrar, James   October 28, 2013

Hello Mr. Mueller:
The SDPD will respond and prosecute any shoplifter if the victim asks us to. Many businesses have a policy of simply retrieving the property and don't call us. 
Officer Bill Farrar
Dear Kristy bond:
I’m sorry I was not able to express my feeling about your stores attitude about safety towards seniors so let me be more direct.  If your store was so concerned about keeping your liquor robbers away from us seniors you would spend more money for more security guards and get more involved with supporting San Diego Police rather than using the Police as a reason for Albertsons unwillingness to spend more money on security guards.  Albertsons is there to make money not help seniors like Potiker does.   
Remember I’m talking about liquor robbers so don’t try and water down my safety complaint by saying shoplifters, as if somebody stealing food because their hungry and or have children to feed.  If a person steals liquor there is a good chance they are addicted to liquor to some degree. I think liquor addicts could care less if they push over a helpless senior in their eagerness to escape a security guard.
Kristy, what’s Albertson’s opinion about that?  Meaning addicts pushing and or hitting seniors while trying to leave the store in a hurry because they just put 2 six-packs of beer in their backpack.
Thanks for answering my letter and allowing me the chance to expose the dangers and responsibilities of those who sell liquor.
Carl G. Mueller, Vietnam 1968 and recently homeless for over a year.

Niels B. Schaumann Dean, Professor of Law, = Candidates for Mayor
October 28, 2013
Bond, Kristy 56700 <>
Mr. Mueller,
Thank you for your time taken to express your concerns over the shoplifting incident at our Downtown store. I apologize we give you the feeling we don’t take this seriously enough – as a matter of fact the safety of our guests and store team has the highest priority with Albertsons. It may seem that letting them go is not the right thing to do, but in many cases it is the best way to keep everyone safe.
We do call the police in many cases, but they are extremely busy in this area and cannot always respond in a quick manner. It is not in the best interest of keeping everyone safe in the store to try and hold someone until the police can/do arrive.
We are constantly reviewing our loss prevention measures and are looking at putting something new in place within the next few weeks that should help make a difference at this store.
We truly appreciate your patronage, as we do all the residents of Potiker, and will always to strive to give you the best, safest shopping experience possible.
If I can answer any questions in a better manner, please feel free to contact me via email or at 667.4201.
Thank you,
Kristy Bond l District Manager l W: (805) 375.4736 l M: (619) 667.4201 l 
[Description:**I thanked the customer for contacting us with his suggestions for Albertsons. I informed the customer that his comments will be forwarded to the District Manager for a contact by email by the end of the next business day. No further personal information was included in the email.** Today I witness Albertsons being robbed and the two security people who had the man under control let him go after taking the two stolen six packs of beer from the man’s backpack while all three where grabbing and pushing each other while on the sidewalk just across the street from my 3rd floor Potiker window. I went to Albertsons and complained to Store Director Rodney Carrillo about the lack of seriousness towards being robbed and how that attitude could affect the safety of us seniors who live at Potiker and shop at Albertsons.  Mr. Carrillo was patient and professional while listing to my complaint and now I hope others might do more than just lesion. Example one is for police: Police should take such matters of liquor robberies more serious so Albertsons will take being robbed more serious. Example two is for lawmakers: Those who sell liquor within two blocks of a senior living area or school need security guards of aquatic number depending on the amount of liquor they sell.


  1. Liquor robbers are more dangerious then drug robbers because liquor robbers most likely will NOT even go to court and liquor robbers don't have to worry about getting shot by the drug dealer that a drug robber steals from. Liquor robbers don't care if they run over an old person or a mother with a baby as they run out the door of the store that sells the Liquor !!! This could of been written better but I think you get the point? Big stores that sell large amounts of Liquor are a danger to the people that work and buy food etc there.

  2. See this on the Internet at:
    Carl G. Mueller, Box 325
    Potiker Family Senior Residence
    525 14th Street
    San Diego, CA 92101

    Albertsons grocery store San Diego, CA,
    And others to whom it should concern
    Subject: Protection from the knockout game.

    On Saturday January 11, 2014 3:00 pm an elderly man was hit by a younger man and one of the witnesses to the hitting had a rather serious reaction like a mild heart attack.

    I would like to know what is being done to protect us elderly citizens regarding the knockout game that teenagers are doing to us elderly.
    The above hitting indecent seems to be just like the knockout game.
    In my opinion, based upon what one of Albertsons employees Herbert, told me today Jan. 12, 2014, I think Albertsons is trying to make it look like it was the elderly man’s fault that he got hit by the younger man.
    Herbert first told me the elderly men seemed to be drunk and made aggressive actions towards the younger man. Upon further questions by me Herbert said he didn’t know if the elderly man was drunk. I asked Herbert what was the story from the elderly man and Herbert said he didn’t know because the elderly man seemed to unaware of what was happening.
    I think the elderly man didn’t know what was happening because he just got knocked out and could easily be suffering from brain damage.
    Herbert said the younger man just walked off and the police were questioning the elderly man. Herbert did know that witnesses said the elderly man appeared to be drunk and made aggressive actions toward the elderly man.

    I think Herbert has now realized that I’m making Albertsons appear to be somewhat at fault because Albertson did nothing to help the police locate the younger man who could have seriously hurt the elderly man. Albertsons could have had and employee fellow the younger man and give the location to Albertsons by phone as he did the following.

    The second hand story I (Carl G. Mueller) heard from 6 foot 7 “Big” Bob was that a woman witness that also lives with Bob and me here, at Potiker Family Senior Residence. is that she appeared to have had a heart attack after seeing the elderly man hit. Bob want on to say she never mention anything about acts of drunkenness by the elderly man.

    The point being is that the police and Albertsons might be working together to keep this looking like the old man was at fault thus not giving more exposure to the knockout game and therefor no reason to put extra expense upon the city of San Diego to protect the elderly from teenagers and there nationally known knockout game?

    I wonder what Albertsons, Sheriff’s department and our local elected officials have to say about spending extra money to protect us citizens from the knockout game.

    Carl G. Mueller, Vietnam 1968
    San Diego has already proven that they are unwilling to protect their woman from a Mayor with low morals and I’m willing to say San Diego appears unwilling to protect its elderly from low moral business.
    See it all on the Internet at:

    Americas prayer: Oh thank you God for the bless of ignorance.
