Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Connect For Jobs For Social Media Tool Developed Groups?

Join a Group and or Start your own:

Oct. 29, 2013

Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68    
425 14th Street
San Diego, CA 92101

Freedom Works
Rules For Patriots

Members have already formed thousands of groups, and you can create your own or join others on FreedomConnecter at www.connect.freedomworks.org . FreedomConnector is a revolutionary social media tool developed by FreedomWorks that allows you to connect with individuals in your area in order to further the fight for jobs in your area.
Action Center:
FreedomWorks created an Action Center that allows you to easily create letters to the editor and submit them to many new sources. Best of all, the formatting is already set up; you just need to create the content. The Action Center tool allows you to easily and quickly create letters to the editor and saves time and postage. You can access the Action Center at www.action.freedomworks.org


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The Blogosphere
Starting a blog is simple and free. Platforms like www.BlogSpot.com  www.WordPress.com , www.MoveableType.com , and www.Blogger.com  make it a point-and-click process. Just sign up, choose a catchy name and a template for your site, and you’re free to start writing and Link.
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There is an incredible amount of information on Twitter, a short-form blogging platform where users can share brief thoughts, links and information. Don’t be intimidated by it, but try to use it toward your own ends, and as a source for news and information. Freedom Works Twitter handle is @FreedomWorks

Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68

Oct. 29, 2013

Thank you for joining our community of advocates dedicated to equal access to justice for seniors.

Elder Law & Advocacy

Blog Name: The Senior Sentinel
Blog URL: www.seniorlawblog.org  

Oct. 29, 2013
Hi Carl,

Thanks for your email. CCS is a nonprofit in San Diego that provides services for sexual assault, domestic violence and elder abuse survivors, as well as prevention on these issues. We don’t currently provide services in the area that you are bringing to our attention. But again, thank you for thinking of us.

I appreciate your activism and wish you well.
Take care,

Nirvana Habash

Development Coordinator
Office: (858) 272-5777 x120



















Monday, October 28, 2013

Albertson's VS Police hurts seniors?

Farrar, James JWFarrar@pd.sandiego.gov   October 28, 2013

Hello Mr. Mueller:
The SDPD will respond and prosecute any shoplifter if the victim asks us to. Many businesses have a policy of simply retrieving the property and don't call us. 
Officer Bill Farrar
Dear Kristy bond:
I’m sorry I was not able to express my feeling about your stores attitude about safety towards seniors so let me be more direct.  If your store was so concerned about keeping your liquor robbers away from us seniors you would spend more money for more security guards and get more involved with supporting San Diego Police rather than using the Police as a reason for Albertsons unwillingness to spend more money on security guards.  Albertsons is there to make money not help seniors like Potiker does.   
Remember I’m talking about liquor robbers so don’t try and water down my safety complaint by saying shoplifters, as if somebody stealing food because their hungry and or have children to feed.  If a person steals liquor there is a good chance they are addicted to liquor to some degree. I think liquor addicts could care less if they push over a helpless senior in their eagerness to escape a security guard.
Kristy, what’s Albertson’s opinion about that?  Meaning addicts pushing and or hitting seniors while trying to leave the store in a hurry because they just put 2 six-packs of beer in their backpack.
Thanks for answering my letter and allowing me the chance to expose the dangers and responsibilities of those who sell liquor.
Carl G. Mueller, Vietnam 1968 and recently homeless for over a year.

Niels B. Schaumann Dean, Professor of Law, nschaumann@cwsl.edu
Craig.gustafson@utsandiego.com = Candidates for Mayor
October 28, 2013
Bond, Kristy 56700 <Kristy.Bond@albertsons.com>
Mr. Mueller,
Thank you for your time taken to express your concerns over the shoplifting incident at our Downtown store. I apologize we give you the feeling we don’t take this seriously enough – as a matter of fact the safety of our guests and store team has the highest priority with Albertsons. It may seem that letting them go is not the right thing to do, but in many cases it is the best way to keep everyone safe.
We do call the police in many cases, but they are extremely busy in this area and cannot always respond in a quick manner. It is not in the best interest of keeping everyone safe in the store to try and hold someone until the police can/do arrive.
We are constantly reviewing our loss prevention measures and are looking at putting something new in place within the next few weeks that should help make a difference at this store.
We truly appreciate your patronage, as we do all the residents of Potiker, and will always to strive to give you the best, safest shopping experience possible.
If I can answer any questions in a better manner, please feel free to contact me via email or at 667.4201.
Thank you,
Kristy Bond l District Manager l W: (805) 375.4736 l M: (619) 667.4201 l kristy.bond@albertsons.com 
[Description:**I thanked the customer for contacting us with his suggestions for Albertsons. I informed the customer that his comments will be forwarded to the District Manager for a contact by email by the end of the next business day. No further personal information was included in the email.** Today I witness Albertsons being robbed and the two security people who had the man under control let him go after taking the two stolen six packs of beer from the man’s backpack while all three where grabbing and pushing each other while on the sidewalk just across the street from my 3rd floor Potiker window. I went to Albertsons and complained to Store Director Rodney Carrillo about the lack of seriousness towards being robbed and how that attitude could affect the safety of us seniors who live at Potiker and shop at Albertsons.  Mr. Carrillo was patient and professional while listing to my complaint and now I hope others might do more than just lesion. Example one is for police: Police should take such matters of liquor robberies more serious so Albertsons will take being robbed more serious. Example two is for lawmakers: Those who sell liquor within two blocks of a senior living area or school need security guards of aquatic number depending on the amount of liquor they sell.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

5 Senior Activist Group Leaders of California

Carl G. Mueller
525 14TH ST., APT. 325
SAN DIEGO CA 92101-7547
A senior activist / group(s) San Diego, CA

Subject: Liquor sales near senior homes is danger to seniors when police attitudes fail to enforce liquor robbers and those attitudes carry over to the store owners who sell the liquor thus endangering the seniors who live and shop at those high volume liquor stores?

State Assembly (District 78)

State Senate (District 39)


Example two in the letter is for lawmakers:  "Those larger stores who sell liquor within two blocks of a senior living area or school need security guards of sufficient number depending on the amount of liquor they sell."

See the complete letter with links at: www.danger2seniors.blogspot.com

5 Group Leaders

Nancy J. "Nan" Brasmer
(877) 223-6107

Jodi Reid
Executive Director
Northern California Organizer
(415) 550-0828
(415) 515-2156 (cell)

Kathrin Smith
Administrative Coordinator
(510) 663-4086

Hene Kelly
Legislative Committee Chair
(415) 386-0334

Chuck Walker Sr
Web Site Coordinator
Database Coordinator
E-mail Distribution
(209) 367-1853